Proposed Development at Harton and Westoe Miners Welfare Ground

Hedley Planning Services and BlakeHopkinson are undertaking a public consultation exercise to outline proposed plans for developments at Harton and Westoe Miners Welfare Ground on behalf of South Shields Football Club Foundation.

South Shields Football Club Foundation work to improve the health and well-being of people living within communities of South Tyneside. The Foundation is a registered charity who co-design and deliver services and activities to make a difference within the community.

In tangent with on-site operations, the Foundation re-invests funds raised and profits in activities that strengthen their community to create a positive social impact. In addition, since 2017, the Foundation have taken a ‘Well-being Valuation Approach’ to measure and record their social impact. In summary, from July 2017 – June 2020, there was a calculated £4.4million generated towards social impact efforts.

The proposed development contains the following elements:

  • x1 3G football pitch (in place of the existing pitch on the northern boundary)
  • x1 grass football pitch (9v9)
  • Futsal pitch (including 200 seat arena and associated facilities)
  • Additional Car Parking (on the southern boundary)
  • Replacement of existing floodlights (which will decrease light spill into nearby areas and prove more sustainable)

The proposed development will enable the continued use of the Harton and Westoe Site and increase the on-site capacity for playing pitches, in particular for junior team usage; whilst furthering the Foundation charitable aims.

The context for this proposed development is the interconnected development of a number of sites across South Tyneside which will transform strategic sporting and educational facilities within South Shields. The relocation of South Tyneside College to a prestigious town centre location is proposed alongside residential development on the existing, but soon to be former South Tyneside College Westoe Campus. This planning application proposes to mitigate the loss of playing and thus enable the enhancement of educational facilities for the College.

Your views are important to us and will be influential in moving forward with the design process

We have organised a public consultation drop-in event on Friday 18 March between 3pm-6pm where members of the development team will be present to answer questions and discuss key aspects of the development proposals.

If you are unable to attend the drop-in session for any reason, you can still provide your feedback by responding to our survey below.

Please note there will be an additional opportunity to comment on the development proposals via South Tyneside Council’s formal consultation process upon submission of a formal application.

Take our survey

Or by contacting us at:

By email:

By Post: Hedley Planning Services, Unit 3, Hexham Enterprise Hub, Burn Lane, Hexham, NE46 3HY